1022: Midterm Exam Problem 1

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Compute the solution to f(x) = 0 and show the solutions in the following way. If the two solutions are different and real, you should show them in 'ascending' manner and separate two solution with a single 'space'. If the two solutions are different and complex, you should show the one with positive imaginary part first and separate two solution with a single 'space'. If the two solutions are identical, you show a single value only. The square root can be computed using function: sqrt(x) which is defined in math.h The value shown have 3 digits in the fraction part which are accurate.


1.0 -5.0 6.0


2.000 3.000

Sample Input Copy

1.0 -3.0 2.25

Sample Output Copy



The square root can be computed using function: sqrt(x) which is defined in math.h