1024: Midterm Exam Problem 3

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A point (x,y) in the Cartesian coordinate rotating about the origin over t radians is calculated by the linear transformation 
x1 = cos(t) x - sin(t) y
y1 = sin(t) x + cos(t) y

Write a program in C language to rotate a point (x,y) in Cartesian plane about a pivot point (x0,y0) over a t radian. The number in the answer contains three digits in the fractional part. The input writes, 

x y x0 y0 t

and the output writes,

x1 y1

Notice the output has 3 digits in the fractional part.


5 5 1 1 0.5


2.593 6.428

Sample Input Copy

30 5 -10 1 2

Sample Output Copy

-30.283 35.707